Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®

INTJ: Introverted Intuitive, Inventive Leader





While profiling as an introvert, my public professional career has taught me how to perform well in public settings. Colleagues are often surprised I profile as an introvert.

I am publicly posting my Myers-Briggs results because I believe transparency and honesty are the first steps to self-improvement and integrity. Sharing these results is also informative for my teammates, and will allow us to work together optimally. None of us are perfect, so it is important that we know our weaknesses as well as our strengths so we can allow those around us to help bring out our best and fill in the gaps.

“Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change.”

– Brené Brown

Below is more about my style.


  1. Autonomous and being “outside the box”

  2. Analytical, long-term perspective

  3. Systems thinker, theoretical, global

  4. Organized, firm and efficient

  5. Visionary, innovative and original

  6. Intellectual and reflective

  7. Tough-minded

Areas where I am consciously working on improvement

  1. May struggle with those who are not self-driven or who are “high-maintenance”

  2. May be impatient when others don't see what he sees

  3. Might neglect explaining things to others

  4. May assume that others see “the same thing”

  5. Can be single-minded at the expense of other priorities

  6. High task-orientation and may not see others’ contributions


  1. Over commitment

  2. Dealing only with details (needs to see big picture)

  3. Ignorance and incompetence

  4. Too much extroverting

  5. Poor performance / lack of follow-through

Keys to balance

  1. “Alone” time to recharge and reflect

  2. Have a routine, organized work environment

  3. Emphasize physical health

  4. Seek and accept help with the details

  5. Receive expressions of concern from others

  6. Set less ambitious goals and self-expectations

