
Paul’s top five strengths are:






More information can be obtained about the CliftonStrengths® assessment here. Below is more detail about Paul’s areas of strength.


  1. Likes to think and ponder things deeply and schedules time to do so. Introspective.

  2. Likes mental activity. Feasts on the ideas in books.

  3. After much forethought, customarily reaches conclusions, offers new ideas, and suggests different ways of looking at situations.

  4. Has figured out how to eliminate distractions and interruptions. Often one or two newfound concepts, theories, or findings will consume the majority of thinking time.

  5. Enjoys planning, theorizing, conceptualizing, and philosophizing.

“You are the kind of person who enjoys your time alone because it is your time for musing and reflection.”


  1. Inquisitive. Likes to collect information and add more information to his “archives.” Yearns to know a lot.

  2. Enjoys thought-provoking conversations, and enjoys talking with individuals who instantly grasp the meaning of sophisticated words and concepts. Choses to associate with people who think big and think smart, and is exhilarated by exchanging ideas, concepts, and theories with thought leaders.

  3. The world is exciting precisely because of its infinite variety and complexity.

  4. Speaks theoretically.

“It makes little sense to you to skim through a book and read only the highlights. You delve more deeply into intriguing subjects than most people do.”


  1. Takes psychological ownership for anything to which he commits. Thorough and devoted to doing what has been promised.

  2. Possesses an inner drive to attain high standards of excellence.

  3. Finds it unacceptable to make excuses and rationalizations for himself. Finds it hard to live with himself until he has made restitution.

  4. “Near obsession” with doing things right. Impeccable ethics.

  5. Being viewed as dependable and trustworthy is viewed as a badge of honor.

“Satisfying work and a passion for accountability fuel your zeal to do things very carefully.”

“You feel emotionally bound to follow (commitments) through to completion. Your good name depends on it.”


  1. Sees himself as a part of something larger. Awareness of this leads to a sense of responsibility, and these responsibilities create his value system.

  2. Certain of the unity of humankind, he is a bridge builder for people of different cultures. Underscores what people have in common even though their backgrounds, experiences, languages, cultures or interests vary greatly.

  3. Facilitates dialogue between individuals. Creates peace within groups and between people by linking them to one another.

  4. Approves of people as they are rather than as he wishes them to be.

“You gain confidence from knowing that we are not isolated from one another or from the earth and the life on it. This feeling of Connectedness implies certain responsibilities.”

“You are especially sensitive to how one person’s optimistic or negative thoughts can affect the entire human family. This prompts you to pay close attention to what individuals and groups think and do. By nature, you spontaneously connect diverse people with one another.”


  1. Because he believes the world needs to be predictable, ordered, and planned, Paul strives to impose structure on the world. He sets up routines and deadlines. He focuses on timelines and deadlines. He breaks long-term projects into a series of specific short-term plans and works through each plan diligently.

  2. Driven by his talents, he establishes a plan with specific and measurable performance targets for himself each week.

  3. Wants to feel in control. Others may sometimes resent this need for order.

  4. Wants to eliminate troublesome distractions, realizing these can break concentration and slow progress.

“Chances are good that you may have an actual blueprint – that is, a detailed outline – for what you want to accomplish.”


Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®


Extended DISC®